Just another week for the 365 Project.

Here I am back again, trying to keep up and take at least one picture
a day... hey I said I'm trying!
I've been keeping busy by trying new recipes and expand 
my families taste buds! Kennedy has always been pretty good at eating
different things, she's not the typical chicken nugget kid, which I'm so 
happy about, because my husband on the other hand is.
This week I made coconut curry shrimp, I had saved the recipe for a 
while and finally got everything to make it.
Low and behold as I go to make it the link to the recipe doesn't 
exist anymore and I frantically search around for another one.
I did find one and it was actually really good. Kennedy hasn't really had
shrimp before maybe once, the texture throws her off so she ate
the rice with the sauce. My husband surprisingly loved it and went back for
seconds. I call that a win!

Hope everyone is having a great week!


I can't believe my little girl's hair is long enough to put two french braids in!
What's more surprising is that she actually let me put them in her hair.


Someone is starting to actually let me take her picture. 


Homemade tomato soup and grilled cheese sticks. 
You can find the recipe here- 


We all loved it! It made so much, we froze some and I gave a whole
bunch to my dad.


Pumpkin muffins from whole foods... need I say more?


I used the last of my basil to make homemade pesto. I used some of it 
in the tomato soup actually and we ate it on pasta and another recipe I had made.


With apple season in full swing, I attempted to make my own apple chips.
They weren't bad, but I definitely need a mandolin slicer to get the apple slices
all the same size so they don't cook unevenly. 
Lesson learned, you can find the recipe here-


Coconut Curry shrimp.
You can find the recipe here-


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